Arvixe Review

Here's Why It's Been a Nightmare for Us

Brad Smith  —  · Read user reviews

arvixe hosting review

Arvixe was founded by Arvand Sabetian in 2003, before later being acquired by EIG (who owns a TON of other hosting companies including Bluehost and even HostGator) in 2014.

At that time, Arvixe had over 150,000 domains and 70,000 hosting accounts, with 80 full-time employees and contractors located around the world.

While initially founded in San Luis Obispo, CA, they also have data centers in North America (Dallas), Europe (Amsterdam), and Asia (Hong Kong).

Common sense is that being acquired by a huge, experienced conglomerate with deep pockets should give you greater resources to deliver better service.

Unfortunately, after reviewing many of their companies, we’ve seen the contrary to be true. Being acquired by EIG seems more like a hosting graveyard than a rebirth.

But we love being proved wrong!

We purchased the Arivxe ‘Personal Class Plan’ back in June 2015, set up a basic WordPress website to test their performance, and make this review as adequate as possible.

Over the past few years, we’ve collected detailed statistics like uptime & speed, to objectively compare their performance with nearly thirty other hosting companies.

Here’s an unbiased overview of what we have found

Pros of Using Arvixe Hosting

To be honest, Arvixe’s ‘PROs’ list isn’t very long. Here’s a quick recap of their benefits:

1. Advanced Plan Features

Arivxe isn’t the cheapest host out there…

But at least they do include more advanced features on all of their basic plans that you’d normally have to pay much more with other hosts. For example, their cheapest shared hosting plan has unlimited storage and bandwidth standard. They will even allow you to use up to six domain names.

They will also include free Google, Yahoo, and Bing ad credits, which is a nice added bonus if you’re already thinking about using online ads to grow your business or readership.

2. Numerous, Proactive Security Options

Arvixe also includes a variety of proactive security measure to help you to protect your site. For example, their plans come with:

  • SpamAssassin
  • Spamhaus&amp
  • SpamCop Checks
  • Domain Keys
  • SPF for email security

In addition, they also offer daily (!) backups, brute force detection, nightly security updates, a firewall, SSL support and SSH access too.

If all that won’t give you peace of mind, I’m not sure anything will.

3. Free cPanel Site Migrations

Arvixe treats new customers right. Instead of trying to make a few extra bucks by charging you extra for site transfers, they’ll happily just take care of them for you — as long as your current host provides cPanel access.

There’s no cost for multiple sites, either. So you can save hours (and potentially hundreds of dollars) by leaning on Arvixe to help you out.

4. No Renewal Price Increases

Arvixe also doesn’t nickel and dime new customers after their initial plan expires, either.

Think about it like this:

You go through all the pain and suffering to find a new web host right now. You move your site, domain, and everything over. You prepay for a few years to get the best deal.

Now, how likely are you to want to switch hosts again when your plan expires? Chances are, not very likely.

The problem is that many other hosts will take this opportunity to double the price right under your nose. You’re getting the same exact service, but paying way more, because they know you won’t want to change hosts at the end of the day.

Arvixe doesn’t do this, though. Your renewal pricing will be the exact same as the initial cost you signed up for. So it seems like Arvixe has your best interests in mind at the end of the day.

5. Lots of Included Security Features (At No Additional Cost)

The final pricing deception that most web hosts like to pull is to claim that they offer extra features like SiteLock security or daily backups.

So on the surface, it seems like you’re getting this amazing value.

Except, when you’re checking out, you’ll realize that almost all of these services are upsells that can easily double or triple the overall price before running your credit card.

Once again, Arvixe doesn’t stoop to these tricks. They include everything from DDoS attack response to network monitoring, firewalls, brute force detection, and nightly updates all for free.

6. 45-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Last but not least, Arvixe features a no-questions-asked refund policy. That means you can prepay for a few years to get the best bang for your buck. And you can try out their service for a full six weeks with relatively little risk.

If you’re unhappy with the page loading speed or uptime or anything else, just say the word and you’ll get your money back.

arvixe money back
Arvixe money-back guarantee

Please keep in mind that these refunds are only available for shared, reseller, and VPS hosting plans. Dedicated servers are not covered under this clause. Neither are administrative fees or extra purchases, like domain names. (No other host includes these, either, for what it’s worth.)

Cons of Using Arvixe Hosting

Arivxe’s security options, advanced plan features, and free domain name for life make up a compelling mix of extras to help to put them over the top.

Unfortunately, it’s the primary performance area of a web host that lets them down. Take a look:

1. Over 7 Second Load Times

In addition to poor uptime, Arvixe unfortunately also struggles with their page loading times.

Over the past 24 months, their average page load time was 7280ms – this is the worst load time we saw during our testing period with the other hosts.

That’s not a good result, especially considering how crucially important (yet neglected) page speeds are for the success of your website.

For example, according to Google,  there’s a 90% increase in bounce probability when page load speed drops from 1 to 5 seconds.

That’s how critical site speed is. It affects usability to the point that it actually costs you in lost conversions.

Last 12-month average load time:

Arvixe last 12-month detailed statistics
Arvixe average speed 2019-2020 | See stats

2. Weak Customer Support Response

Our experience with Arvixe’s customer support was rather not good.

The customer rep connected within five minutes, but replies were slow and some details that we already gave were totally ignored. So we had to repeat ourselves and ask the same question twice until we got the answer we were looking for.

Also, our past experiences with Arvixe’s support have been negative (especially with slow reply times).

arvixe live chat 1
A quick chat with Arvixe customer support

3. Expensive Plans & Pricing

Arvixe’s lowest $7.70 per month plan doesn’t sound too bad on the face of it, until you realize that’s for two years, paid in full upfront.

Want a shorter time period? Month-to-month even? You’re going to be paying almost double the original price at $11 each month.

It’s nice that they throw in a few helpful extras, like the aforementioned domain name for life and unlimited bandwidth, to offset this cost. However, it’s still steep, especially considering the performance issues we discussed above.

Arvixe pricing details
Arvixe pricing plan details

4. Unacceptably-Low Uptime — 92.95%

During our 24 months test period, our ‘test site’ on Arvixe gave a horrible uptime.

Arvixe has a way below average uptime performance over the last 24 months, coming in at 92.95%.

Last 12-month average uptime:

  • January 2020 average uptime: 100%
  • December 2019 average uptime: 99.99%
  • November 2019 average uptime: 100%
  • October 2019 average uptime: 99.99%
  • September 2019 average uptime: 99.98%
  • August 2019 average uptime: 99.98%
  • July 2019 average uptime: 100%
  • June 2019 average uptime: 100%
  • May 2019 average uptime: 99.99%
  • April 2019 average uptime: 99.96%
  • March 2019 average uptime: 94.61%
  • February 2019 average uptime: 82.18%
Arvixe last 24-month statistics
Arvixe average uptime | See stats

5. SSL Certificate Costs Extra ($25/year)

Websites today are practically required to use SSL certificates. Google Chrome, the most popular browser online today, actively warns people from using certain sites that don’t have them.

Overall, that’s a good thing for everybody. It helps keep your information safe and sound while you browse around.

That’s why lots of web hosts will include free SSL certificates in all of their plans now. Anyone can get a free one through Let’s Encrypt, too.

But unfortunately, you can’t get a free one through Arvixe. They’re charging another $25/year for each one.

Arvixe Pricing, Hosting Plans & Quick Facts

Arvixe offers two shared hosting options: Linux and Windows.

We’ll be breaking down their hosting plans for you:

Linux Shared Hosting:

Personal Class Plan Personal Class Pro Plan
Pricing $7.70/month $11.00/month
Websites 6 Unlimited
Bandwidth Unmetered Unmetered
Storage Unmetered Unmetered
Email Accounts Unlimited Unlimited

Windows Shared Hosting:

Personal Class Plan Personal Class Pro Plan
Pricing $8.80/month $12.10/month
Websites 1 5
Bandwidth Unmetered Unmetered
Storage Unmetered Unmetered
Email Accounts Unlimited Unlimited

Quick Facts

  • Free domain? Yes.
  • Ease of Signup: Single page sign-up. Easy sign-up.
  • Money-Back: 45-day money-back guarantee.
  • Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal.
  • Hidden Fees and Clauses: None.
  • Upsells: No upsells.
  • Account Activation: Instant Activation.
  • Control Panel and Dashboard Experience: cPanel for Linux hosting and WebSitePanel for Windows Hosting.
  • Installation of Apps and CMSs (WordPress, Joomla, etc.): Softaculous for one-click installation of apps and CMSs.
  • Other Features: DDoS attack response, unmetered MySQL Databases, HTML editor, etc.

Do We Recommend Arvixe Hosting?

No, we don’t.

Arvixe has little to like. We like the security options and daily backups. The unlimited bandwidth and storage are helpful, typically only seen on more expensive plans elsewhere. A free domain name for life is a very nice touch.

However, we just couldn’t get past their poor performance in the primary three responsibilities of a web host.

Their uptime was the lowest of what we’ve seen over the last 24 months and their page loading times were very slow, which can negatively affect more than just your website visitor’s experience (your pocketbook too).

Their customer service was just not good enough.

While they may have been a great host years ago, they now closely resemble other EIG brands we’ve come across that rely on their reputation and household names (while their performance continues to get worse over time).

You’d be better off checking our top-performing hosts here to find more reliable and cheaper hosts.

Any experience with Arvixe? Please leave a comment below. We welcome all – good or bad reviews – as long as they’re honest and transparent.

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We only accept user-reviews that give value to our visitors. Not all reviews will be published. If you wish your review to be approved, we recommend you to write valid, unique and helpful reviews – either positive or negative. Thanks for your support!

Important: Web host companies cannot pay to delete or change the reviews. But we provide them an opportunity to answer or comment on any review, to keep the process honest and fair for both sides.

98 user reviews for Arvixe


1 — 

The absolute pits

Their helpdesk is outsourced to a telemarketing company in India, with extremely limited technical expertise. That's unfortunately not unusual.

But these guys really take the cake for how much time of yours they will waste. Any savings you might make on their cheap fees will be more than offset by the downtime, cost to your business, loss of customers, and especially the cost of your time. And it's not even close. You could multiply their hosting fees over 100x, and you'd still be losing out. They're that bad.

My latest issue has been recurring for over 6 months now. The fix takes a few minutes for someone who knows what they're doing.

Nevertheless, it took 6 weeks to fix. Starting with the obligatory outright denial, slow responses, having to run my own tests to prove the problem existed - until finally they sent the issue to an actual technician. Who fixed it immediately.

That pissed me off. But it gets worse.

I'm now on the 4th recurrence of the exact same issue. And each time, I have to go through the whole rigmarole again.

No matter how much I tell them that it's the same issue that they've fixed before. We go back to the start - outright denials, slow responses, etc etc for another 6 weeks until it finally gets the 2-minute fix.

Believe what everyone else on here is saying. They're a complete nightmare and you should avoid them at all costs.


1 — 

Arvixe terrible!

I have a vps with Arvixe where we hosted our ecommerce, erp, website and mails. VPS server is down (completely inaccessible) for 8 days now and the only response I get from support is that they are working. No progress or no proper updates except saying no ETA and we are working on it. Server is completely inaccessible and we do not have any local backups. I cannot even enable another hosting without database backups. Our business is seriously hurt. I am not sure what can be done and how can I make them understand our pain.

Biggest mistake of my life is relying on Arvixe to screw years of our hard work with this horrendous hosting company.

At this moment, I just need my backup to run away from them far far far place.

Any suggestions to pull out of this harsh condition?

Al C

1 — 

They should get negative stars

I hosted with Arvixe for a decade. Before EIG it was amazing, the best support anywhere. When EIG took over it immediately went to the toilet. The support chat is worse than useless, it's a total waste of time... lots of time. It's not unusual to wait 10 minutes for a meaningful reply on chat. When you do get a reply, it's often to request information already provided. If you host a domain with Arvixe and want to transfer to another registrar be sure to start at least a month before it expires. They will try to hold on to it by not releasing it to the other registrar until after it expires, forcing you to renew it with Arvixe before you can transfer it. They are not only incredibly incompetent, their business practices are highly questionable.

Judy F

1 — 

Don't use them!

I began with Arvixe back in 2003 when Arvand answered the phone and provided quick tech support. All was fine for years, then suddenly went steeply downhill.

My SSL was about to expire last week, and I was busy and unclear about how to renew it. Daily for a full week I tried their 24 Hour Live Chat - no one around regardless of time of day. For days. I emailed them - no response.

Two days ago the SSL expired... and instead of a simple "insecure" warning, I had lost all access to the site. I also lost access to the Customer Portal and CPanel. I emailed them again, no one there. I've tried Live Chat several times for the last 2-3 days - NOTHING! So I've signed up with another company and rebuilt my site pretty much from scratch. Plain dumb. And enraging.

My fear is that when annual renewal time comes around, they'll automatically charge me and I'll have to fight that. So I'm going to MAIL them a certified letter of cancellation.


1 — 

Worse than Terrible

I can echo the experiences others have told us about. I switched to Arvixe several years ago when my former host's email delivery quality went to zero. Over the years, though, the same thing has happened at Arvixe. Pretty much any message sent to an email address serviced by Yahoo! (,,, results in a 4.4.2 "delivery temporarily suspended: lost connection..." error. I don't know who's defining "temporarily", but not a single one ever gets through. I'd estimate this happens on about 95% of emails we send to these addresses from our office.

Support has also gone down the toilet. To start, you can't even open a ticket on the Support site anymore; you have to go to your account page and submit from there (and include a customer code that can be found only on that page). Regardless of how much detail you might provide you're likely to get a patronizing response that treats you like a complete idiot. Follow-up messages will come from someone completely different (or at least using a different fake name -- people in the US don't use language like that in the emails, so you know the support centers are somewhere else). It's been too long since I've had a decent response from them.

I'm moving my office in about 3 weeks, so my attention is elsewhere at the moment, but as soon as we're settled in I'm definitely switching to another email host (might see what my website provider -- also to be set up immediately after the move -- can do; they have an email service but not much information available about it on their own site). I've completely had it with Arvixe and I actively steer people away from them on the rare occasion I get asked for a recommendation.


1 — 

Terrible beyond belief

I have tried to track down why the App pool has never worked on the many websites I have installed on this platform. I have never had a great answer and I have wasted my money using your service because I had one client's email on this contract. I finally moved the email hosting a few days ago and transferred the last domain I had with this company.

I have not used this hosting service since Feb 12, 2018. At that time I moved 10 websites from the service and left a scolding response to the ticket dated then.

In essence, I have paid $12.00 USD for over two years for email hosting for one client who was very angry with our company. We lost the business and had to work hard to build confidence in the 8 businesses we managed to keep.

I quote the comment I made on the ticket in Feb 2018.

"Your customer service is terrible. Your downtime is unacceptable. I resolved my issue by moving 10 websites to another hosting company. Shame on you."

I didn't hear back from anyone after that email. I did come back to test the servers this month. All the issues persisted with brand new installs. Very disappointing.

Finally I have moved the email and my wasted $12 USD is not going to them

Rick H

1 — 

Forced to Switch to a Better Option

When I started my small business, I was initially very happy with Arvixe. When it was time to renew my plan, I paid Arvixe, yet continued to receive renewal notifications that I needed to pay. When I tried to contact customer service, I found that phone support had been discontinued and that everything was done via an online ticketing system. After numerous ignored attempts to provide valid documentation of renewal payment, my website was shut down. At this point, I made several more attempts to contact customer service and even provided copies of paid invoices and bank statements, which were all ignored. At this point, I decided to pay the invoice yet again and had my credit card company reverse the original charge. This worked for the next renewal period and my website was restored. When it came time for the second renewal a year later, I received a notice to renew. When I tried to login to renew, I was locked out. I reached out to the online customer service and was informed I was locked out of my account due to a reverse charge for the previous year. I responded, yet again, with copies of invoices and bank statements, yet all my attempts to reply were ignored. After a couple weeks of unsuccessful attempts to rectify the situation, I decided to cut my losses, lose my domain, and start from scratch with a more reputable company (Bluehost). I highly advise you to avoid this company!

Jim g

1 — 

Just shocking services and technical know how

For more than 6 months. Thousands of email being rejected by Yahoo mail server daily. They are clueless how to resolve this our unwilling to do so. Despite countless ticket and report. They did nothing. You cannot be serious in hosting business if your email server cannot send emails to yahoo server. Their support is only via chat. nothing else. manned by clueless indian zillion miles away and have low knowledge and little access right to resolve things. Best part, if the ticket is not replied daily, they will close the ticket even if it is open and not resolved. should be given zero star

John B

1 — 

C Panel Hacked!

My business was down for 36 days while these people lied to me over and over again that nobody had accessed my C-Panel. All of my passwords were changed and then I started getting confirmations from Bangladesh idiot that he had hacked my c-panel. they kept trying to tell me it was on my end, and somebody installed a keylogger on my computers. Well, I bought new computers after nobody I paid could find anything. Guess what? Switched over to BlueHost and that was the end of the problem. Bold face liars!


1 — 

Arvixe support is horrible

For months now arvixe email servers cannot send emails to yahoo and aol accounts. This is an admitted issue with arvixe servers, yet they have not resolved the problem. The only way I communicate with my subscribers is through email, and for at least 5 months I've been unable to email them using my arvixe account ( I set up a gmail account as a work around) Their support is by chat only, and I constantly get an email stating that since they haven't heard from me in 96 hours, they are closing the ticket. I respond back stating if the problem isn't resolved, don't close the ticket. I have repeatedly asked to escalate my issue with no luck. Every time I start a new chat to try to follow up, they want to walk me through all the same steps I've been through 20 times before. Their support is a joke. DO NOT USE ARVIXE for a web hosting service. It will kill your ability to run your website effectively.


1 — 

One of the worst hosts I've used

Arvixe service became such a poor service since we signed on originally. We signed on with a great offer for our needs in 2015, but ended up with endless heachaches over the poor user interface of the Arvixe site (their user pages and login forms are broken half the time), numerous problems with our SSL certificate not being installed as active when it should have been, and finally - the worst - discovering security is so awful with Arvixe that our entire site was able to be compromised by malware and malicious links. Is this the kind of service provided by a professional hosting company? Doesn't seem like it. We're a nonprofit and use of Arvixe put us in danger and made us vulnerable time and time again. It was time to say goodbye.


1 — 

Bad and bluffing services

Since I registered my domain with Arvixe, I never have a reasonable response about the errors that appears when I logged in! They always said its from your application! So they kept me in drama and nervous with the developers! Lately, one developer suggested to host the application in another host that not using Plesk! and finally this works fine without any error and even very fast! The worst thing also, is that when I told them what happened with me and I want a refund and compensate me for keeping me worthless with their hosting service, they ignored me and even cancelled the credit that appears in my account! I would not recommend anyone even to try them, they are robbers.


1 — 

15 years going downhill

I've been with Arvixe for over 15 years. Back when they were small, it wasn't uncommon for me to be tinkering with my site in the middle of the night only to break it and need help. I'd put in a ticket, ready to go to bed, when I'd get an immediate response from Arvand, the owner, who helped me get back up and running. That kind of customer support, and their fair pricing kept me happy. But as they grew, the Phenomenal customer support became only better-than-average, and when they were bought out it became terrible. This last weekend I've spent hours just trying to get someone, anyone to answer me to get my SSL cert installed. Their support chat and ticketing system isn't working, and they provide no email based support. I can't even get in touch with anyone to tell them which domain to secure with the cert! I've paid for it and they're just gone!

It's going to be a lot of work to transfer, but I'm shopping for another host. These guys are horrendous. If I can find another startup by Arvand I am SO in!


1 — 

Flying Penguin

I attempted to get a domain set up with Arvixe 3/2019. I got the domain and everything billed well. Then I tried to add the services I needed to get email and a web page. All of a sudden, I became flagged as "fraud." OK, fine, they are being overly cautious. They requested either a passport or a driver license image. I replied to their first request with the requested document. They sent another request under a different subject asking for the same thing. Again, I obliged them and sent the image again. Three days later, I got a notice of cancellation because they had not received it. I contacted their customer support. They did answer right away, but they said they still had not received the information. They asked me how big the attachment was (100kb) and told me to put it on Google Drive. I told them I didn't use Google drive. I asked them to cancel but they said the domain was already paid for. I am locked out of my account and can't access my domain. They are holding me hostage - it looks like I have no choice.

Stephen G

1 — 

Need to update software

We have been using Arvixe for several years and started because it was getting great reviews. More recently we have to consider moving our sites for several reasons.

1) The first is their email server is repeatedly getting blacklisted which is stopping emails being sent to domains such as and It can take several weeks to get their email server unlisted and hosted domain outgoing emails flowing again.

2) Next is their customer support “chat” system. You can no longer simply enter a ticket after going through the multi-step questions about using the FAQs and other features. Once you get to the point of knowing you need help then you have to try and start a chat session with support. About 50% of the time this fails or you get dropped as the support person you are dealing with does something to have you switch to a new customer support person. Plus they do not have any way to have you get past their basic troubleshooting sessions. After 100% of these chats I am always escalated to the ticketing system.

3) The ticketing system, for whatever reason uses different login credentials than the CPanel credentials. Yet it is the CPanel credentials you need to start a support chat session.

4) The biggest current issue is out of date software support. They have main PHP based tools which are all updated such as WordPress and Joomla. They state they provide PHP5 yet the CPanel offers up to PHP7.0.29. Both of these were unsupported since the end of 2018. All our PHP based system warn we are running on an unsupported version of PHP. When we asked about getting an upgrade to a current PHP version we are told it is not possible due to a technical issue. If we need the latest PHP offering as requested by WordPress or Joomla then we must move to their VPS plan at over $40 a month.


1 — 

I'd Give Negative Stars If Possible

Arvixe use to be great. They gave free domain privacy, had a local call center, and were fine bending policy if it was the right thing to do. Customer care mattered. Now, they've outsourced to some foul corner of India to a group of people who are so caught up in making sure they're right that they offend customers and assume guilt until proven innocent. They're petty beyond belief and take 10+ minutes just to look up something basic. That's laziness, and it's obvious.


1 — 

Dont do it

They lost 2 months of our data with not even saying 'sorry' . Our SSL certificate has been down for 8 months and they can't seem to fix it. If your running a site you don't really care much about, you shouldn't even choose these guys. I've just been too lazy to switch (since I am not the one paying the bill). Even their administration consoles keep expiring and I can't log in. These guys are a complete mess.


1 — 

Dumb and Dumber

I switched to them back in 2012 or so. They were decent then. Now, their customer support is a joke. I let some domains I was sitting on expire and for months after I was reminded that they would be renewed.

I have since migrated away from them and transferred my domains almost a year ago. I'm now getting emails from them that domains I've already transferred away and they no longer manage are up for renewal.

They have also sent me emails that my invoice for a domain transferred almost a year ago is now overdue. I owe them -0.04 cents. That's right negative four cents. That's how stupid and careless their system is. I asked them months ago to cancel my account. They did, and this is still happening.

I just tried to contact their support and it seems like their live chat is down. Do yourself a favor and find another hosting provider. These guys are about the dumbest on the block.


1 — 

It was a good hosting, but...

I ever using Arvixe during 2014 or so. It was a great and reliable hosting in the early months as a customer. They offer less than 3 minutes response in chat support though the answer does not always seem appeal to the issue (the ticket support is highly preferable).

After 3-4 months, I saw frequent downtime that can last for hours or even day. They usually give me free service for one month or two. But then I realize the compensation did not worth for my losing visitor. Finally, in less than six months I decided to leave Arvixe for my good.

With unreliable load time, stressful downtime, overpriced plan, and terrible service, Arvixe is going to its graveyard.

Andrew Z

1 — 

They will steal your money, time and maybe more

This is a gang of incompetent people who overcharge you for cancelled services, who are impossible to reach, who publish meaningless phone numbers on credit card charges with answering machines which forward you to online chat that is impossible to start. Arvixe web site just tells you that it is unable to start a chat. That's it. They take away your money and hide from you when you try to reach them. Even when you want to contact them to close your account, it is impossible to do this. They consider their customers cash cows. I believe they hate their customers, because customers demand services in exchange for money Arvixe charges. They like your money and hate you.

They close your ticket because you can not reach them, and then keep charging you for the domains you have cancelled 2 (two) times. It's a well oiled machine for taking away your money. Beware!

Nour S

1 — 

Worst and Pathetic Service

I have been using Arvixe for quite sometime now but, honestly, experience so far is horrible. These people does not have any sense of responsibility and to me it looks like they are using the poorest of servers and worst of staff. They bring down the server anytime for several days and then move to another server without informing. Support staff sits on tickets for weeks and then you realize its closed without even a single reply. Words that come to my mind when it comes to arvixe - Pathetic, Worst, Irresponsible, Nightmare, Thief, Cheaters, Stay Away........!!!

Nour S

1 — 

Worst Hosting Service Provider

I have been hosting my websites with Arvixe since 2013. They used to provide a reliable and good service up till the last couple of years !!!

Their uptime is a joke, my websites can go down for like 5 consecutive days and their technical support is useless in every possible way. It takes forever for them to reply to your tickets and their chat service is awfully slow and their Indian employees are very incompetent and never help to fix the issues!!

They only have one answer, and that's "It will be fixed soon with no ETA for your server"... Is that a joke?? And they'll almost always blame you for the terrible loading time that can typically reach 20 seconds. I literally hosted an empty page to prove to them that it's not my code that is causing the issues and they still recommend me to seek the help of a professional coder!

I'd recommend anyone to avoid them like the plague and to save your money by using another hosting provider!

Randy S

1 — 

Do not use Arvixe for hosting

Whoever you choose as a hosting company, just make sure it is NOT Arvixe VPS. The horror stories I can tell you about their poor customer service, their very untalented support personnel, the long wait times to try to reach someone. They even recently disabled the ability to turn in a trouble ticket, for Pete's sake! Lack of reimbursement or remuneration for problems they caused, and on and on.

I have been in the computer industry since 1978 and have had a number of different web hosting companies for my business since 1996. I have a ton of experience in this arena, and I can say that by far, hands down, without a question, Arvixe is the WORST choice I have ever made. Go with Databank or CF Web hosting - anyone but Arvixe!

Worst. Hosting. Service. Ever.


2 — 

Terrible support, unstable, scummy

Transferred to Arvixe based on good reviews. Had issues with my website being attacked constantly after I moved over, and their support was unable to unlock one of the core files needed to reset and restore my website. Resolved this issue a few times, increasing security each time, and the website still got taken down constantly with no help from support.

Moved to HostGator and have been happy and issue free since.

Their billing system is garbage with no way to remove a payment method once it has been submitted. They hide the cancellation function for auto-renews under many pages and small buttons with laggy pages. They essentially stole $110 from me with this tactic, keeping a domain and website up for a site I haven't used in over a year.

Support often replies quickly but is of almost no help what so ever.

Pretty sure they're just designed to steal your money.


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GDPR put the nail in the coffin

Uptime and speed had already been very bad for quite some time. Response time of support was between 1-3 days, but usually the issue could be solved after some back and forth. What put the nail in the coffin was the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) of the EU. Arvixe did nothing to become compliant with GDPR and did not answer a single one of my support tickets concerning that urgent topic for weeks. I already quit the service and complained about the unresponsive support, but they didn't even reply to my complaint, just confirmed the cancellation with a standard reply.

Arvixe used to be quite featureful and delivered comparably good value for money (I have been their customer for more than four years), but after this disaster I am more than disappointed and can just say: Stay away!

Tadeo P

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Arvixe = Waste of ... everything

At first glance, early 2012 everything looked good, the support too! Suddenly, late 2014 things changed. I've upgraded my classic plan to the pro one, but the support has changed in the meantime. I don't know if they're analphabet, incompetent or both?! But even a basic "password reset" they need to escalate the ticket! Awesome! They take forever to answer simples enquiries. But of course the survey shitty stuff they send right after the support ticket creation arrives quickly in the mailbox. But the must of the must remains the chat. It's a comedy club. They even don't know what's a database!!! Yes you're reading well, no glasses needed! A database is an unknown word in their so-called brain? They're patheticly dumb and unrespectful towards customers.


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Awful Support

I can't even begin to state how awful of a company Arvixe is. They are very expensive and charge fees for even small add-ons. Support is the absolute worst I have ever worked with. They do not respond in a timely manner and when they do it is usually incomplete or not what you asked for. I would give them a 0 if possible.

Paul S

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Arvixe is even worse than ever

Absolute rubbish service. My latest ticket is around their recent migration to new servers. It was working after migration, however a change has been made such that I no longer have a dedicated app pool and unfortunately, this particular site does not work in integrated mode. I am paying for a hosting service that includes dedicated app pools, so where are they. As a result, this site has now been down for over a week with not much more than empty promises from help desk staff that know absolutely nothing useful.

In addition to the issues, not only have a number of email options been removed, but mailboxes were migrated with a set maximum limit of 10Mb whereas a number of my accounts is well above this limit and as a result would not accept any more mail.

MSSQL has been upgraded and databases migrated to 2016 which is not only a dangerous thing to do without proper analysis on the DB, but it now means that none of the tools I use to manage, program and deploy the DB's will now not work.

I would not recommend this company to my enemies!! They used to be good and responsive, however once sold, went to crap!


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Chat tech support only, wait 2-3 weeks for reply

I've been with Arvixe for 7 years. Over a year ago, they discontinued phone support, which was great. Now, it takes on average 2-3 weeks to get an issue resolved. I'm having email issues on and off for a year now - when someone sends me an email over 3MB, I just get a blank email with no Body, Subject, and From, therefore, I can't even figure out who sent me the email. My last support ticket was closed, even though the issue wasn't resolved. Very frustrating. When I asked why it was closed, I was told I didn't reply - even though my reply shows in their system! Low level techs can't help you... And there is no way to contact senior techs...

Other than the horrible tech support, I can't complain.


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They sold my domain name

I'm still their customer, only hoping to receive a refund. I bought a hosting plan with "free domain name for life" years ago. They charged me for the next 2 years in November 2017.

In January 2018 someone snatched my domain name, because Arvixe failed to pay to registrar for the next year lease. I contacted support countless number of times, but you never get through first line of support, where they apologize and tell me that issue is escalated to "senior billing manager", but no one gets back.

I also believe that someone was fiddling with my account, as the time I discovered the issue and logged into my Arvixe account, I saw that it had different owner name. Support immediately fixed that insisting that that was their error. Then, I wasn't able to see my support tickets, because my email was't validated. The moment I brought this to attention of support, it was immediately fixed. So, it still a mystery to me, why there was a different name and why my email wasn't validated.



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Customer Service is a Joke

Arvixe used to be a great hosting company. Sadly, they’ve fallen to the bottom in terms of support, speed, and uptime over the past few years. After 4 months, I still have unresolved tickets with them. Their shared servers have been blacklisted on spam sites which means your domain email will be flagged as spam messages. And trying to get in contact with them is almost as frustrating as the problems themselves. Support reps take forever to respond, have no power to do anything, and pretty much just waste your time with telling you how sorry they are that you’re experiencing a problem.

Do yourself a favor and avoid Arvixe because if you ever have a problem, you’re going to immediately regret it.

Jim M

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I was caught in the HELL of this miserable hosting company

The service that we had for a number of years was ok, then it happened. It was early last year; we had just renewed (and paid for) our agreement with them. We got a notice that they were doing server upgrade. From that day forward, our site was down more than up. Contact with customer service lead nowhere. They were aware of the issues and planned to resolve. After two months of this lack of service, we contacted with another hosting company and moved our sites. We asked for a refund, which they gave, but it was only for about 30% of what we had paid only months earlier and to this day, a year later, and after many requests, have never provided the details on how they reached the amount they came up with. The last straw is that we’ll never actually see the money. They only give you credit on your account.

Phil H

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Worst Hosting Provider Ever

We were with Arvixe since 2012 using their VPS service. We hosted a number of lower volume customer sites and were happy with the service up till the last year or so. I guess they were bought by another company a while back. The initial migration went smoothly enough with minimal downtime as they moved datacenters. But the response for support and ridiculous downtime has dominated for the last year.
Support was totally unresponsive and we would be down for several days at a time. By May – June of 2017 it was just a joke. We were down for 2+ weeks and multiple attempts to contact support and having our ticket escalated to “senior support staff” did nothing to resolve things. This happened more than once.
Worst was their attitude and refusal to even give me a refund the months fees. They are still auto billing me for a cancelled account. My only option was to dispute the charges with my credit card company. I would never recommend them even if they got their act back together. Please do yourself a favor and do not use Arvixe.

Biju P

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Awful service. They do not have enough techs to deal with your technical problems

We have taken their VPS Class server. If you want anything beyond what the chat representatives can do, good luck to you. You can wait for anywhere from 4 to 8 days to get your website fixed. I have two experiences in the past two months. The first instance was that my website suddenly stopped working two months ago if the user typed www infront of the the domain name, like where as worked well. It took them over a week to fix this issue. Second issue happened recently. My website got hacked. I wanted them to restore the VPS from backup. They couldn’t get the restore process started until 5 days after I raised the ticket. My website was down all those days! I do not think they have enough technicians who can attend all the tickets they have. If you have a serious problem, you are doomed if you are hosting with them.

Chris B

1 — play host to spammers

I have made over 9 complaints to recently regarding one of their customers, who has send over 50 spam emails to my account in the past 2 weeks. I have repeatedly asked Arvixe to request the client stop, or suspend them, but they won’t. It appears Arvixe condone spamming. They need to be shut down for knowingly hosting and supporting spammers.

Cory C

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Arvixe suspends account and then will not respond – lies and customer hostile

We have used Arvixe for years and it served us well – than about a month ago they complained that we used to many “inodes” (files) on our “unlimited disk space” account. So, unlimited disk space is, well, limited – so they should admit to that. The number of files has not changed much in years, why this now, we don’t know. We don’t use that much space, but it is a lot of small html files (generated from models).
But, we found some folders that we could live without and deleted them the next day – the number of files should be below their limit. We thought this was the end of it. There was no further warning from then that there was still an issue.
Over a week ago they said our account was suspended for not complying with their “fair use policy”. So our web sites, email are down – all data locked up. We have responded to their “ticket”, contacted customer service three times. Each time the person on the phone says they can’t do anything, but that a “senior admin” will contact us within a few hours to resolve it. We have never been contacted, we can’t get to our web sites and we can’t get through to anyone at Arvixe who can do anything or cares. We ask to speak to management, not possible.
This is the most customer-hostile experience I have ever had. That, combined with the false advertising about “unlimited disk space” rates them as the worst possible kind of business.

Mikah B

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Cancelled Today

I’ve had my Arvixe Reseller Class Hosting account since 2014. For the first year or year and a half, it was basically okay. Then we started having problems with email. Two or three of my customers started contacting me saying their emails were either not showing up at all (inbound), coming in very slowly (hours after they were sent), or being blocked by recipients (outbound). This issue grew from a minor annoyance to a big deal pretty quickly. I worked with Arvixe support who never seemed to fully grasp the issue (kept asking us to change Outlook settings even though most of us were not using Outlook), never responded at all as to why their shared email servers were blacklisted by many receiving IP’s, and – in general – never provided any solution. We ended up moving most of my customers off to another email provider.

Again, a period of relative tranquility followed. There were some issues related to site speed that cropped up now and again, but nothing crippling. The final straw for me was a month ago (as I write this today) when Arvixe locked my primary website due to malware being found on it. Once I got the email from support (took a couple days because Google marked it as Spam lol) I immediately found and deleted the offending files. I responded to the support ticket that day letting them know that I had deleted the files and was going to upgrade the installation (DotNetNuke) to the latest version to improve security. I sent that message on May 24th, 2017. As of right now it is June 16th, 2017. I have since posted many times on that support ticket asking when they were “unblock” my site (gives a 403 error right now) and, so far, never received a single response.

So, my primary business website has been down for a month, support is absolutely indifferent and unresponsive (the “Live Support” is a joke – they can’t do or fix anything), and I am done. New hosting account acquired today, will move all my customer sites to that one over the weekend.

Never again will deal with Arivxe and never again trust my company website to a provider who cares so little when their customers are hamstrung by their service.


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Level of service is ridiculous

Multiple phone calls, and a loooong wait time between responses. It’s been two weeks now that my site is not working – still not resolved. They just closed my ticket. No comments, no information… You can’t add comments to the ticket, so I have been replying to the emails. These comments do not get added onto the ticket, and I get no responses.

This is an extremely poor level of service by any organisations standards.

Shelly Z

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We signed up for a reseller account with Arvixe years ago based on recommendations/research from employee.
It has gone from bad to worse.
ESPECIALLY in the last year. We had one instance of a client’s entire email backup being purged after multiple requests — they didn’t respond in a timely manner and I actually have an email from Arvixe basically admitting they screwed up.
Secondly, they recently discontinued support of RV Site builder — this system pretty much sucks, but we had 3 or 4 clients still using it. NO WARNING. NOTHING. And when I chatted/submitted a ticket about why we weren’t able to access it, finally got a message that said, “Arivixe no longer supports RV Sitebuilder” — I have replied 2 or 3 times asking if there is a workaround — crickets… Granted, that system sucked, but my clients/end users were making it work, and one is heading into his busy system and literally cannot access his site — Like I said- no warning — not even a “hey, we are going to stop supporting this on x date, so make a backup and figure something out.” Arvixe policies and support has never been great, but not it’s horrible. (FYI, I have been doing web design for 20 years. … so not just “newbie reactive” review”)
Would NEVER recommend this company to anyone.

A. M

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Their ‘customer service’ is a complete and utter joke

I’ve been with Arvixe for several years, and while they were good in the beginning, I’ve recently had to cut ties due to their complete and utter incompetence. The price of their service is good, but you ultimately pay for it.

I’ve had slow/completely unhelpful ticket responses before, and even had a customer service agent tell me that they’d complete an action on my account that they never did (I had to go back a second time to another agent to have the problem fixed), but last month I reached the breaking point. I had my yearly hosting renewal coming up for a business that had closed, so two weeks beforehand I went in to my account to close things down only to find that my credit card had been charged earlier than they’d previously indicated it would. I was very willing to be reasonable and allow them to rectify this mistake, but unfortunately all I received was a maddening back-and-forth of canned responses telling me that they wouldn’t provide a refund and that all they’d do was give me a ‘credit’ on my account for future purchases. Considering how helpful they’ve been thus far, I had absolutely no interest in any more of their ‘services’. Now I’m out $60 for a year’s worth of hosting.

Bottom line: look elsewhere. There are plenty of other services that provide much better customer care than this. I wouldn’t waste your time or patience trying to deal with this company.

Brent B

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Arvixe BIG Fail

Last night one of my customer’s email accounts was hacked, and the hacker started flooding out spam. Arvixe needed to do something about that, which is OK.

What they did is NOT OK.

They suspended, instead of the one email address, my entire account, meaning EVERY client’s web site was down, and EVERY email address for every client was down.

How did they notify me? They sent me an email about it (they claim). But they sent the email after they suspended the account so that no email worked. How stupid do you get? Pretty stupid if you’re Arvixe, evidently.

I was on support chat with them for hours all day long as they promised time and time again to fix this issue. Twelve hours later, all my clients are still down… except the ones that I’ve already migrated to another hosting service. By the time Monday morning rolls around, every email account and web site will be with the new service, and Arvixe will still be promising me that my issue will be resolved “real soon now”.

Arvixe used to have phone support and intelligent people you could talk to. Now they have ONLY chat support, and with people who simply are not all that bright. How many times do you have to tell someone they cannot notify you my your main account email because they have suspended it?

At least four times in one 20 minutes period of time. S-T-U-P-I-D.

They have OK pricing and decent features, but you simply cannot have an inexcusable incident like this. This was literally a five minute fix, to flag my account as active and let me inactivate the one offending account, and they couldn’t manage that.

So they have lost my business, and you’re a fool if you ever give them yours.


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I can honestly give no positive experience except that they took my money instantly without issue. That’s it.

10 months with Arvixie and I can remember at least 6 times I went to upload files to my site only to be told “Disk is full”. This usually took 1-3 days of nagging support to get fixed. By the way, this was on my “unlimited disk space” account.

Support tickets take days, one even weeks, before you get a proper answer or action. I have tickets left unanswered still.

The biggest issue I have was their offer of “Unlimited Disk Space”. No asterisk or other notation indicating that there are terms regarding that. But guess what? Unlimited at Arvixe means less than 30Gb.

No one at any time during the 9 months of my 2 year plan warned me about that until I got an email telling me to delete over 94% of my site files! Even during every one of the different times I talked with support about my site and the total size came up every single time.

I was given a week to destroy my site or they would do it for me. My site is my income and I said as much. Didn’t care.

I don’t know what all else they lie about but I warn anyone wanting to host with them to look again everywhere else first.


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Run Away

The downtime for our VPS Hosting has been a joke. Things were ok until a year or so ago. Since then, we are down often and for extended periods. This past event has had us down for 8 days and counting. Horrible response from support. Escalation of a trouble ticket to “senior support” basically means we are going to ignore you and never respond to your ticket or request for an update. I have to spend another hour of my time on another support chat session just to have someone tell me the same story of “will send this to senior support staff”.
When I asked for a credit for the current month, since we are down 12 out of 18 days into this month, they said no, can’t refund an “Active Account” WTF does that mean?
Run, run far, don’t look back.


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Arvixe is a disaster

We’ve been using Arvixe for a while now and the only advice I could give to anyone thinking about it is – RUN! They have completely incompetent support which is only there to create a ticket for you. No matter how important that ticket is, don’t expect them to resolve in a couple of days. We had a VPS production server down for 48 hours, and it was down because their support “specialist” decided to reboot it when RDS wasn’t working. I contacted them several times asking to resolve it without success. Also, their shared hosting is slow and not so cheap. The worst hosting I have ever used.

Catherine T

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Same problem than described by Bob. Unfortunately, we were not able to move the site before they charged the credit card… 2 weeks before renewal. Currently, our site/server has been down for 10 days and no one is responding to the support tickets… “a senior tech will get in touch with you asap”… Site is down and priority is listed as “normal”… 10 days…


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Worst web hosting and service

I have a reseller account hosting more than 30 websites with Arvixe for nearly 6 years, until some useless company bought 12+ months back everything went smooth. From last year I have had serious email and web issues, the wait time to get support is at least 45 minutes and they are unable to solve my problem straightaway so have to open a support ticket. Some tickets are still open even after a year and some of them are closed without resolving the issue. Have finally moved and wouldn't recommend any one to buy hosting with Arvixe.

George S

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A Great Company Gone Bad

There was a time when Arvixe was great, and I moved all of my websites to their platform, but after they were bought out things changed dramatically to the point where I moved everything away from them. I wrote my story about the problems they gave me in another place, but there is another issue I will address at this point.

Five days ago I received an email invoice from them telling me that they were going to charge me for another year. I wrote them back and explained that I no longer used their service so the invoice can be cancelled. I had previously allowed them to take my hosting charges from Paypal and despite my email they took my money anyway.

I was able to get someone on chat and they were unapologetic. It was explained to me that they did not refund money for “old accounts” (this contact was literally hours after my money was taken) and my only option was to log into my portal and make the request there. If accepted, I would receive credit, not a refund.

Fortunately, Paypal returned my money and I guess they will deal with Arvixe. So if you decide to be drawn in the low monthly charge (the phrase “you get what you pay for” applies here) then understand that there could be grief down the road. My recommendation is that you look through reviews to find a company that does not have experiences such as mine, and they despite what you end up choosing, the company could be eventually bought out and things could turn sour (this was my second experience of this happening).


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I was with Arvixe for many years, they have slowly been getting worse and worse service until they blocked my account and told me I had to delete my domains in order to get my service back. When I asked why they said I was using too much server resources, even though I hadn’t made any changes to my website in over 2 years and had only 5 visitors a day!! Needless to say I moved on to another company.


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Stole my money

I signed up for Arvixe hosting service in 2015, I had so many problems I migrated my site to another host (Bluehost) a few months later, while at it, I canceled recurring payment so I wouldn’t be charged for a new period, guess what, I sign in to my email account a few days ago only to see I had been charged $66 for a service I no longer needed hence why I canceled recurring payment. I opened a paypal unathorized payment dispute (which I told them about and they said they would “lock” my account), but PayPal ruled in their favor.
This is a heads up for anyone out there not to use this scammy host, not only do they provide a below average quality of service, but they will also look for any chance they have to steal money from you.

Moe T

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It is the responsibility of every single of us to make sure impostors like Arvixe do not get a change to fool more people by spreading the truth about them all over social media. Unfortunately there are still people who fall in their trap for one free domain (to save $12/year once) or things like that, sadly their time will come too.
In past about 45 days I have had only about 6 days of running web site. As a semi retired person I spent almost all my savings to complete the coding of my website (almost enterprise level). It took about 1.5 years to complete it. Of course I could pay $40’000 to someone to do it in couple of months.
All I am saying is because of constant server failures (with Arvixe) I have lost my new business, SEO, my customers, my money and my confident. I do not even have money to switch to a different hosting provider (must wait). I had turned down the auto renew (via both support & account), but they renewed my VPS hosting anyway and did not refund it a day after renewal.
There is a lot more to say but I do not want to go through too many details.
(All chats & tickets are archived just in case)

Greg T

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Sub-par Support

Monday, February 20, 2017 – Yes, Presidents Day. If you needed tech support for your website and called Arvixe you were rudely told that phone support was no longer supported and the call disconnected.

I am not a supporter of chat support especially at Arvixe since their chat staff is clueless and can easily screw-up your account (like they screwed-up my PHP configuration by making unrequested changes), continually asking you to wait making the time wasted an hour or more before they give up and put in a ticket that, currently, I’m waiting over 24 hours and it’s rated normal when it was supposed to be urgent (site is inaccessible). FYI The chat agent I dealt with was the same one that screwed up my php configuration causing me to connect with another agent who, after an hour, was unable to correct the issue. Yes, I called support and was finally able to repair the damage.

Tuesday, February 22… After the warning that Phone Support was going to be discontinued I’ve now been on-hold with phone support OVER 3 hours. During this time I have backed up my site locally along with database in preparation of moving to another host. OF COURSE MY WEBSITE IS STILL INACCESSIBLE!

Listening to 1980’s advertising of (for that time) exciting features you can add to your Arvixe hosted website are as much as a joke as the “timeless” hold music.

This is a business account I’ve had over 4 years.

Don’t waste your time with this host.

Don A

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Fake Reviews on their Website

We are unable to receive emails from a lot of companies and individuals and many cannot view our site. Apparently, due to Arvixe’s hosting so many spammers, their IPs are blacklisted by half of the world’s servers. Their phone support has been discontinued in favor of outsourcing to India to techs paid 25¢ an hour. I have filed ticket after ticket with nary a response for more than a month. The last response I did receive, when they did have phone support, was, “If you don’t like it, I suggest you look for a different company.”

There appear to be nothing but good reviews on their website, which, judging from their reviews on other websites, have to be fake. Arvixe used to be a good company. Then they were bought by Endurance. Now they are bottom of the barrel.

This form is asking for my email address, but no guarantee that I will get anything they send.

Mark G

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I have been with Arvixe for several years and have been very happy with them until recently. I made the bad decision of going with a business plan with them. The server will NOT work right! I have both personal and “business” accounts now and the personal works fine. I need php 5.4 or above for my theme and plugins to work and I set it for all of the higher php versions and if you look at their it shows that it is set correctly. However every server info plugin I have tested is always the same and they report back that php is 5.2. I have gone through tech support several times and they pass it along to “higher techs” who email me and tell me they reset it and to verify on my end. I do and the results are the same! I have done this several times and I am getting a run around. Also my SSL certificate page reads an error in Cpanel when I click to get into it! I have complained about this as well with NO response to it. They will not refund the 300.00 I prepaid and will only issue a Credit!!!! WARNING DO NOT USE THEM OR ANY COMPANIES THEY OWN!!! I had no idea Arvixe was acquired and there should be a law to protect consumers about this to protect them!

Moe T

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We Can

Few weeks ago I posted a review here. My VPS server was down for 21 days, after lots of pressure I put (all I could was keep sending messages) they fixed the issue. About 6 days later the server went down again and it is has been down for 7 days till this moment.
I hope you have not spent thousands of dollars from your credit cards (or savings) to establish your business AND I hope you are not one of those people who has spent over a year of his/her time/money on a website’s complicated coding AND exactly at the time you have drained your everything and want to get something out of it you must deal with damaging acts of Arvixe incompetency. I hope I never see you if you were in my shoes because of Arvixe support incompetency. If I had some money left, I would have definitely switched to other providers (plus CEO costs and more).


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H O R R I B L E !! T E R R I B L E !!

Arvixe is Horrible & Terrible, please do not use their site OR you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!!



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Bait and Switch, no refunds

I signed up with them for 2 years and was told I could cancel if the hosting wasn’t that great since I was nervous being locked into something for 2 years. I needed NodeJS and found two knowledge base articles helping you to get it up and running on shared hosting. A few days after signing up I spoke with live chat about NodeJS since it wasn’t working. The technician said he wasn’t sure why it wasn’t working and would get back with me. He never did and I continued to develop locally on my machine. Now I’m ready to go live I submit a help desk ticket and they tell me it is no longer supported. I think great well lets refund my money then for the 2 months I’ve been a customer. They tell me they won’t do a refund with in 60 days. I tell them to then make it 90 days and refund my money. They tell me they won’t refund my money despite them no longer offering something I need. I was told that I needed to spend $40/mo for a VPS class server for NodeJS. The knowledge base articles are now changed and do not mention shared hosting and one of them is deleted all together.


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They are Thieves

The company charged my PayPal account without my permission using old information from when I first signed up with them over a year ago. When I called to complain they said no refunds for any reason. They were very nasty. Look elsewhere. This company is a den of thieves.


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Lost emails, and long waiting period

I run a user experience and service design consultancy, so I NEED a good look and feel otherwise I am not going to get potential customers. First, I purchased their email which was a big mistake. They lost my emails and I couldn’t even get into my server for more than 2 weeks! I ended up going with gmail. After a year of trying to mess around with the terrible and not user friendly web hosting, I decided to go with another vendor. The customer service rep said it would take 24-48 hours to cut everything off including my domain name. Well it's 48 hours later and now they say it's going to be 3-5 business days. Back when the screwed up my email I lost a contract NOW I am losing customers due to their slack system. The guy on the chat service, which is the only thing that is available told me it “wasn’t a big deal”. I will NEVER recommend them to anyone. Horrible customer experience, email servers, and web hosting capabilities.


1 — 

Perhaps the worst Web Service Ever

I am moving my sites to HostGator as I type, PLEASE PLEASE do yourself a favor and avoid Arvixe like the plague. My site when “UP” it sends customer orders in about 25 seconds however most of the time the email service they use takes minutes 10 or more and up to an hour to send out emails.

So the money you might save with this low priced host will be quickly spent in your time responding to unhappy customers and those customers are not going to come back to your site.


1 — 

Avoid, Avoid, Avoid

Terrible support. My site goes downs for days at a time. They do not renew SSL certificates. Then my site is mysteriously corrupt. They don’t know why. After days of working on that, then they mess up the SSL certificate, and I have to wait days for that to be fixed. Every time you contact support you have to start over with your problem. I honestly think it is a bot. They force you to use their email for the website, but they can’t get it to work. My advice is to avoid Arvixe.

Richard H

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Arvixe Lost this Customer

I own a small business and was with Arvixe for nearly a decade. I agree that there have been some uptime issues over the years and their customer service response has steadily declined, but the incident this past August and their response was completely unacceptable. I lost an incalculable amount of revenue from the lost customers and after they got everyone else’s site up, they still could not get my site back up. I had to cut bait and move to HostGator. Luckily my main site was a static site and I could just upload the files to the new host, but my blog ran on WordPress and it took me several more weeks to get it from Arvixe to the new host.


1 — 


I have been using Arvixe nearly for 2 years now, at the start of my subscription the services and support were quite smooth, but as the days passed, the nightmares came and since then I have been experiencing chaotic services specially with the emails where the outgoing and incoming emails of the domain registered email addresses are just disappearing due to the inconsistency in the Arvixe servers!!

Despite reaching out to the support people from the first days, they have never cooperated for a helpful solution, they have also been extremely slow to respond and I would not receive a response just for months!!

I never recommend Arvixe to anyone!!

I regret having registered for a 2 year pre-paid contract!!


1 — 


I have to stay on top of all hosted sites so I can get on the chat with Arvixe when the servers go down. This happens EVERY WEEK. It’s a very time consuming process. The people on the other end of the chat generally just auto-respond to everything I say, which is exceptionally frustrating. If I had $1 for every time I get “I apologize” as a response I’d be rich. Problems: frequent downtime of servers (site won’t load, no access to website panel, SQL server down, FTP not working), billing is a nightmare – I get notices my domain is going to be cancelled with the expiry isn’t for years (in one case they did in fact cancel it). It took TWO WEEKS to fix a domain issue that they caused when creating a new site. I spoke to no less than 14 people before it was resolved. STAY AWAY!

Asset M

1 — 


They do not answer emails, most of their support staff do not know what they are doing. They hi-jack your domain (domain transfers take 10 days!). They do not reply to tickets. They don’t answer emails for support.


Chris M

1 — 

Arvixe customer for 6 years... now ex-customer

I first signed up to Arvixe about 6 years ago when I was looking for a good DotNetNuke host. Arvixe came highly recommended and I stumbled upon a great coupon code that let me lock-in a heavily discounted hosting deal that hit all the marks and came with a free domain too. Sweet!

I had this hosting plan and domain for approximately 18 months and found the performance, features (Web App Gallery, unlimited bandwidth etc.) and customer service to be generally pretty good. I only cancelled the account because I had no longer had a need for the website.

Fast forward another 12 months and I was again in need of a hosting plan for a .NET website. Which host should I choose? It was a no-brainer selecting Arvixe. Especially as I found a similar coupon code and again locked in a great deal.

However, over the next 36 months cracks started appearing and they steadily widened as time went on. Almost every application in the Web App Gallery failed to install properly. There were ever increasing periods of downtime within no explanations. This was compounded by the planned maintenance work that Arvixe forced upon customers (server migrations etc.) with little planning or warning. There was also the nearly useless technical support. As the article above points out, I suspect this was more to do with an overworked and under resourced tech support team than a lack of knowledge. Whatever the reason, the lead time to get any sort of reply to tickets was way too long for a business grade hosting plan. The chat was also very sporadic with large gaps in between posts. Sometimes I’d need to send a follow-up post asking if the agent was still online.

The final straw came when I had my site go down for 4 days. I raised a ticket and contacted Arvixe support via the chat. The site eventually came back online, but I was never given a post incident root cause. When the site came back, it was noticeably slower. Arvixe refused to acknowledge this or do anything about this. I told them I’d had enough and cancelled my account immediately. I slammed Arvixe in the customer satisfaction survey they sent out after I closed my account, letting them know in no uncertain terms what I thought about the slippery slope they had travelled over the past 3-4 years. I attributed the worst of what I experienced to the EIG takeover. Not surprisingly, I never received a reply.


1 — 

Worst Hosting Company!

I’ve used this company for over 8 years with my ecommerce websites. I have 4 websites hosted with Arvixe. They used to be the best, but the last couple years the customer service has increasingly declined. Non of my support issues are ever taken care of. Not to mention, this summer my website was down for 5 weeks. The company still charged me for service and told me to be patient. What made me decide to go elsewhere is when my SSL didn’t work and they blew me off after telling me the issue would be taken care of within a couple hours. I tried contacting them for 3 weeks to resolve the issue and never received a reply back. WORST HOSTING COMPANY!!! BEWARE


1 — 

Windows VPS Hosting

Just finished transferring out and can confirm the lack of support and completely unplanned migrations. Both I and a customer were dead in the water for days after unannounced migrations. Before that, phone support was cut back from 24/7 to business hours/5 days (without access to senior techs as before) and the bulletin board/user group was removed to hide complaints. When failures happened tickets were ignored for days or weeks and then even summarily cancelled. I was a satisfied customer for a long time until they were bought out and all I can say is that it is sad that someone is profiting from destroying this company and presumably hurting the former employees – avoid at all costs

Didi D

1 — 

Contemptibly Disappointing & RUDE

I was a loyal, domain registration and webhosting customer until 2015 when everything went downhill. On top of one of my sites going offline for more than 72 hours!!!, the lack of 24/7 phone or chat support cost me and my client money.

The support ticket system served me with screenshots to prove how many, many times I had to (i) repeat what I’d written the first time; (ii) contact agents repeatedly when I was COMPLETELY IGNORED FOR WEEKS; and (iii) prove how RUDE certain agents were!

I finally removed ALL domains and hosting plans (for myself and clients) with arvixe — and even had to contact them TWICE to request that they CANCEL MY ACCOUNT COMPLETELY so that I would stop receiving numerous emails to pay for products I did not have with the company for OVER A YEAR.

I have absolutely NOTHING positive to say about this company. It is a shame, as I was an extremely happy customer for almost 4 years before they sold out to an inferior owner. Since I don’t trust them, I used a test-site website address to submit this review because I want buyers to beware without unwanted repercussions from a company that has records of my domains, etc.!


1 — 

Useless support, look elsewhere

Support has deteriorated to the point where it is useless. Delay in response, if any, is days. If a reply is received their lack of knowledge is readily apparent, even with simple questions. In addition, it is obvious that English is not their main language.

When I signed up with arvixe years ago, their support, features, speed and up-time were second to none. Now, support is useless, uptime and speed has seriously degraded.

If you are looking for a webhost, look elsewhere.


2 — 

Unhelpful and irresponsible

Arvixe has decided to switch servers which caused all of my webistes to go down! They did not email me to alert me to this issue. Instead they posted a paragraph of text on how to rename what server your domain’s point to. The information provided was so vague I called their customer service. The phone message indicated that I should reach out to them online.

I’m aware of the fact that they take WEEKS to respond to emails, so I reached out to their online chat support team who I suspect may be a bot. I am furious with Arvixe for changing their servers without notifying me and making it my problem to fix the issue. They clearly do not care about their customers at all.


1 — 


I had two accounts with Arvixe, and had been happy for a long time.

I found that one account wasn’t be used – zero traffic, and the cc had expired, so I switched off auto-renew. They decided to manually continue charging me via my other account. Their support accepted that switching off auto-renew meant I shouldn’t be charged, but no refunds were forthcoming.

Now my sites are down and I’m locked out of cPanel. Live chat is no help – they’ve opened a ticket – and I only went to Live Help, because I had submitted a ticket and nobody has responded in 2 days.

And get this, their homepage is insecure because their certificate is invalid. Chrome won’t let me visit the site. If that isn’t the worst look for a hosting company, I don’t what is!

Madison M

3 — 

How do I get OUT of Arvixe?!!

A few years ago I purchased WebEasy and launched a simple website. Any time I had a problem with the site I would call support and they were there for me. Recently my site was down for over a week. I tried contacting them numerous times via support email and phone with no response.

Finally I received an email from a group named Vcom informing – “Arvixe (which owns WebEasyHosting) made server changes on their end, and the built-in publishing function in WebEasy no longer works.” Of course I’m receiving no response from Arvixe who couldn’t care less. I no longer want to be connected with Arvixe and wish to cancel my account. Somehow they appear to be unreachable and all I get is “all of our customer service representatives are busy, please leave a callback number, etc… Then I hear nothing from them.


1 — 

Not recommended

Their servers are down very frequently. I have bad experience dealing with the Arvixe support team, too. Those live chat supports has very limited access and their email response takes a very long time. I got my email replied after 3 weeks and the downtime is still not resolved yet.

I would advice to avoid. Sorry.


1 — 


Requested to close my account in June 2016. It is now September 2016 and account hasn’t been closed. Contacted them again in September 2016 to close account and still hasn’t been closed. The only thing they have done is continue to charge my credit card while they keep my account open. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY.

Gray D

1 — 


My site was hosted with another company Arvixe bought. I was not notified, the site went down, months of incompetent outsourced tech and billing support, never got me access to my hosting account. I moved my site to a different host. Icing on the cake was when they sent me an auto-invoice.

The only worse experience I can imagine is the hosts that bill you as a scam on purpose. Maybe the foreign scam model is lucrative for Arvixe, yet to see.

I might build a page detailing the comical months of back and forth. “They’ve gone plaid.” -Barf the Mog


1 — 

Stay away from Arvixe

Such a relief to see a factual article about Arvixe posted. Almost two years ago I started hosting a number of websites with Arvixe. Immediately there were problems. It started with repeated server failures and ended with endless security issues. I canceled my account and went in search of other more secure hosts, or at least ones who would respond to reports and emails, but Arvixe continues to charge me. Apparently there is no such thing as closing your account. Once they have your payment information they will, and do, continue to use your funds whenever and however they see fit. And if they never responded to your requests for tech support, you can believe they never respond to requests for answers from billing or customer service.

Arvixe is an enormously frustrating resource sucking black hole. This article is correct – avoid Arvixe.

Arvixe D

1 — 


Arvixe has deteriorated horribly since 2014. Ticket response has become all but nonexistent. Website redundancy along with backup and restore are not a priority anymore so prey your site doesn’t go down, because site restore from backup no longer works. {Insider tip off of impending DOOM} Safe to say if you haven’t already jumped ship you better do it soon or you will loose everything. {if its even operational} “OCTOBER 2016”!

Abacus F

1 — 

Days of downtime and deleted data

We used to host our websites with Arvixe, from 2012 to 2015.

At first, the customer service and technical support were average and even great at times… then, the problems started. Random outages followed by inadequate support by brainless “junior technical support engineers” who would refuse to escalate the tickets. Had to wait hours in support chat queues.

One day, all of our offline SQL transactions were gone because we foolishly kept them in a folder called “backup” on our hosting space. They were deleted with no warning whatsoever! When we asked for a restore, they flat out refused to restore the files because of the “space abuse”. That’s another “great” thing about Arvixe: even though they (to this date, 9/16/2016) advertise UNLIMITED disk space, it is absolutely NOT true: they told us that after 2GB of space usage, we needed to upgrade and buy a dedicated server.

The final straw was when they had a server outage and our websites went down for 8 days. Our advice: don’t try to save $1 or $2 a month, go with a hosting company that treats their customers with respect.


1 — 

Run Screaming From Arvixe

When I first joined Arvixe it was a decent hosting company, but then they were purchased by another company and from that moment on it was a horrible nightmare.

No customer should go two weeks without someone from Support at least reading a ticket. That is about average since April.

Since April of this year, my sites have crashed so many times I can’t keep up. It seemed like every other day my sites went down due to server issues. I was on the dreaded ROSE server, which they need to take out back and do an Office Space-like rap video on it with a baseball bat and handgun.

Then my databases kept getting connection errors. And when someone actually responded to a ticket it seemed like they only made things worse.

At one point they responded to a ticket of my server going down yet again by moving me to a different server, and they forgot to tell me about it. My CP no longer worked, and eventually, I received an automatically generated email giving me a link to the CP. The link took me to a different CP and my credentials did not work.

Support instituted a policy of asking for your Support Code inside your ticket, but it wasn’t on the ticket form, so they asked you as a response. You had to go onto a different page (the client area) from Support to get it, just to prove who you were. It never dawned on them that the only way you could create a support ticket was to login to their system using the correct criteria to login. Once I waited two weeks for a Support person to respond to my ticket only to have him ask me for my support code, because the one I gave him expired!

I went for a whole month with one of my sites crashing multiple times a day. I finally called them on the phone and spoke with an outsourced tech guy who listened to what I told him before he put me on hold for 20 minutes (a lifetime in cyberland) and he finally came back and told me that when the incompetent fool moved me back to the ROSE server he forget to set it up properly. For the next two weeks the site ran without crashing, and then the databases began crashing every day.

I also changed the setting to remove automatic renewal and THEY RENEWED ME ANYWAY WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!

The Manager of Provisioning Operations was named Adam Bryner. He was the ONLY person at Arvixe who was able to go behind the scenes with the techs and get my site back up again until the next time they screwed things up, but things got so bad there he must have left the company because he stopped responding to my emails that I would send him after waiting days for Support.

This company will frustrate the living hell out of you. Run screaming from them. Block their domain from your email so you don’t accidentally check them out because you will be sorry if you do business with them.


1 — 

Terrible host

Best avoid this bunch, i have had no email access for nearly a month and they keep telling me that I am in the VIP queue, what ever that means – not response to trouble tickets although I've asked for updates. I requested a EPP code and didn’t get it sent so I can transfer away – so nearly a month later I've asked for my money back – but they say I can't under their t&c’s


1 — 

What others say

Used, as many said, to be good. But the past year has been awful. And especially the last month.

Downtime on e-mail server, web-server you name it. And suddenly it works, then it doesn’t.

Every time you get the same apologies but NO answer. Terrible customer support (not the support people themselves, but the people actually in charge of the servers).

I also referenced them to my girlfriends family business. And now; their business is hurting, you just get an apology and maybe a new month with free subcription? 7$ for days of lost income?

Will move away as soon as possible (if the sites/sql server/whatever gets up again).

Stay away. Simple as that!


1 — 

Bag of fail

I’ve been with Arvixe for years. They used to be great and surprisingly affordable, and I had even referred friends to them. Now I wouldn’t refer my worst enemy to these idiots. They seem to be completely inept and incapable of solving any technical issues in a timely and competent manner. My websites and those of friends routinely malfunction thanks to Arvixe modifying the web.config file and breaking redirect rules. Opening a support ticket results in either no response at all, or a completely useless suggestion.

I once even found some kind of debug script left by one of their tech monkeys that included profanity. Very unprofessional.

Also, their cPanel login page is insecure by default, using HTTP instead of HTTPS. And prefixing the domain with HTTPS doesn’t even work, because these fools decided to use a different subdomain for that!

Avoid Arvixe at all costs. They are a bag of fail.

Rejji L

2 — 


Arvixe SUCKS. I’ve been with them for close to 10 years and truly the last 2 years has been HELL.

Now any ticket I submit just doesn’t get responded to and when I contact them via a live chat session (after waiting for an average of 10 minutes to be responded to), they only tell me that they have escalated the ticket and sadly that only doesn’t produce any results.

As I type this review, i submitted a ticket 7 days ago and after 2 days of waiting for NO RESPONSE, I contacted them via life chat. The Agent told me my ticket has been escalated to a SENIOR TECHNICIAN who will resolve my Problem in the NEXT 2 Hours. 4 Days later, I’ve had to start another chat session to be told the SAME STORY. PROBLEM STILL UNRESOLVED.

Save Yourself the headache. They are NOT worth it

Brenden K

2 — 

Arvixe was good, but...

Arvixe was good 3-4 years ago when I first found them. I went as far as referred a lot of my clients and spent several thousands of dollars over the last 2 years an purchased a few VPS and Cloud servers.

After they were bought in November of 2014, their customer service went from a 9.9 to a 1 on a scale of 1 -10. The services stayed the same but the reliablity went down as well for both shared hosting service types. I’ve since cancelled all my accounts with Arvixe and have moved to hosting elsewhere.

Matt F

1 — 

Complete garbage

I used to be an Arvixe fanatic. I found great value in their hosting, and proudly recommended them to others. A year or so ago they changed their internal systems and support, and my experience has been slowly going downhill since. This was the final straw.

After discovering many inconsistencies between what the settings on my account were and the emails I was receiving (e.g. domains set to auto-renew while receiving email saying my domain was going to expire), I decided to get on top of things and renew a domain myself. When I did this they invoiced and renewed a _different_ domain on my account. After contacting support I was informed that it needed to be escalated, after which they did not bother responding and closed my ticket (and it took them an entire week to do this).

After this, I decided to just let the auto-renew happen. It did not, and my domain expired (I have a screenshot showing that my domain was set to auto-renew in their system). I contacted support, after which they _again_ blamed me for the issue, and didn’t bother to acknowledge that there’s an issue with their system. This is obviously completely unacceptable, so I finally decided to leave them, which I should have done a long time ago.

In summary, their system is extremely buggy, their support is garbage, and they refuse to do anything about it. If anyone is thinking about using them for hosting or as a registrar, I can’t stress enough that you absolutely should not. They cannot do the most basic things correctly, and there are SO many hosting providers/registrars out there that are ready to provide excellent customer service.

Bye Arvixe, see you in hell.


1 — 

From Top to Flop

I got to know the founder and while he was in charge Arvixe was simply the best.

It was sold and I had to move my own private domains away, because service has become so bad you can not even find word for that.

Do not bother writing you get a answer first and then nothing for weeks, yes not days weeks.

Sorry to say. But stay away from Arvixe as it is today.



2 — 

Not good anymore...

Just like the rest of the reviewers I started about 2 years ago with Arvixe, everything was going really smooth, so smooth that I transferred several customer sites to Arvixe. Downtime was manageable, speed was good and support was top notch.

Sadly, just as EIG set up shop everything started going downhill, they downgraded everything, including server resources and personnel. Support staff got a big hit, they didn’t have enough people to handle all requests and every single problem took days and more complex issues took weeks to get solved. In the end I moved my sites out and started moving my customers sites out as well.

In summary, it was all good until EIG arrived. After that I wouldn’t recommend Arvixe or anything EIG-related to anyone.

Lukasz G

1 — 

What happened with them?

Since last year, their service become worse. I dont know what happened with them until I found some blogs that explained that they have been sold to big company. That’s very painful. My site keeps going down and down. When contacted their support team, they didn't response you, they just asked you to keep waiting. So, for what phone and chat support?

That’s enough, I cant be patient anymore. I have migrated my site to I’ve been with them for 4 months now and so far so good.


1 — 

Downtime for 5 days until now

I’ll never trust Arvixe again… downtime for 5 days until now. No reply, no support, live chat says wait & wait. Ridiculous.

Carlos D

1 — 

Worst Customer Support Award! Stay Away!

Arvixe is fine until you need support from them. I signed up for a VPS and everything was running smoothly, except that Reverse DNS was not configured. I sent a request to support to set it up (which cannot be donde from end user side) but is very simple to do. After one month and countless times of contacting them via their live chat, ticket system and even phone, the Reverse DNS has not been setup. Thus I have opned a VPS account at another host and guess what, after less than 3 hours of setting up the new account, PTR (reverse DNS) has been setup. Arvixe support is unexistent and when they do appear are utterly incompetent. Stay away people.


1 — 

Never make a big mistake, don't go for Arvixe

Such a bad support, security and irresponsible team. Never waste your money. They will stop your services many times without any notice. Even they don’t know why all the sites are terminated. You will lose a lot of business of your own, loose SEO rankings etc. I have paid for one year and stopped their service in just 5 months after regular problems with the server.

De G

3 — 

Too 'average' for serious business

I was introduced to Arvixe in 2015 by a friend who claimed to have been using their services since 2013. He encouraged me to use their services as they provide free domain name for live and good technical support. Coming from a trusted friend, it didn’t take long before I jumped to the offer. Initially the service was good, but after six months, as my site begins to gain traffic, I started having downtime. At one point, my site went offline for a week. I contacted Arvixe and they assured me that the issue will be resolved.

After a failed attempt to hide their flaws in the name of cloudflares I was forced to upgrade to a VPS account. That too did not help and the support guys soon grew weary of me. They stopped replying to my emails, signalling the end of my business with Arvixe.

Allen J

1 — 


Transfer customer domain from GoDadddy to Arvixe ends with disaster. More than a month domain is out of service. Because they reject to put it on my account, do not reply for days and weeks… Heard now they had customer service in India.

Neil H

4 — 

They were 'OK'

As the recession hit I had to down scale from my own managed super fast server to shared hosting.

I was more than a little concerned with going from that superb set up to sharing with others?

I spent an absolute age reading reviews only to find the majority came with unrealistic opinions and unsurprisingly contained high review scores and of course affiliate links!

I hit Google and social media and quickly narrowed my search down to a couple, thus found Arvixe.

The pre-sales team were superb and the bonus of free website transfer and of course the fantastic FREE domain meant I decided on these guys. I’m glad I did the whole experience was smooth and the prices were first rate with an easy way of upgrading.

I had no downtime and support was pretty quick for a shared host. I am now out of the website business – but anyone looking for a value for money reliable host should turn to Arvixe.


1 — 

Arvixe used to be good

Arvixe started off being absolutely brilliant – best in class service & support. As a result, transferred several domains to them over a few years

Over the last year or so they have dropped badly – and for the last 6+ months have simply failed to deliver.
Support is slow & totally inadequate. Live chat facility is simply a waste of time as they cant do anything.
If they tell you they are escalating the problem, don't believe it – I have several instances that has not happened.

They used to send surveys out – but stopped doing that when they got loads of low scores!

I’m starting to look at moving all my domains away now – simply cannot live with their failures any longer


5 — 

Good value

I switched to Arvixe from Servage because they where cheaper. No complaints about Servage, but prices went up. Arvixe has everything they should have. Although I saw a LOT of bad reviews, I can’t say anything is wrong?

When I joined they even took there support forum offline because of all the bad topics. Mail is never down, website is always up. The only thing that is less then Servage (and therefore I would go back If they where cheaper) is that you can’t put anything else on there. I admit… I used servage as a backup for my iTunes and Documents. It wasn’t aloud, but they silently condoned it. I put some ISO files on there (legal ones btw) to transfer them and my account got blocked! It took 3 days to get unblocked and in the meanwhile all my mail was out of business…

So, I conclude: it is cheap, it works! But still…

Tim J

1 — 

Support tickets are not being answered...

Hosting companies generally try their best to win and retain customers. Not so with Arvixe.

In a recent interaction with Arvixe customer service, they were extremely slow to respond to my basic support requests. I submitted support tickets for two unrelated issues, and also followed up with phone calls, live chats, and Twitter messages to their support section, but they still made no effort to address the issues in a timely fashion. It took them so long (3 days) to even look at one of my support tickets that they actually had to request that I provide them with a new support code. This was because the original code had expired due to their delayed response.

In the end, their resolution was to try to sell me on upgrading to their VPS service. I was not going to waste any more time with them so I had the website migrated to, which they (SiteGround) took care of at no charge.

Pavan G

3 — 

Declining customer support & service...

I am the loyal customer of Arvixe since 2013 and enrolled to their PersonalClass ASP Pro plan.

– Their hosting offers are very comparative and work out really well.
– Arvixe have no secrets or restrictions, tech guys get complete
control when configuring their stuff using Arvixe control panel.

– They were good in the first 2 years (2013 to 2014), but now their quality seems to be declining. In the past 18 months our website has gone offline several times and the support team have failed to fix our problems one for all. The problems still persist (, I really hope they will overcome those problems soon.